VIROSTOP Nasal spray 20 ml

  • Forms a protective film on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.
  • Prevents the development of upper respiratory infections.
  • Eases symptoms of acute upper respiratory infections, especially sneezing, runny nose, and nasal congestion.
  • Enhances nasal breathing, actively cleanses nasal cavities, and moisturizes the nasal mucosa, preventing dryness.
  • Registered as a medical device.
Instructions for use


  • Start using it as soon as you feel dryness of the nasal mucosa, sneezing, or other initial symptoms.
  • It is also suitable in any situation with an increased risk of infection.
  • Safe for prolonged use.


  • For optimal effectiveness, continue using it for at least 3 days after symptoms subside.
  • Not suitable for children under 6 years of age.
  • Pregnant and lactating women should consult a doctor before use.
  • Children over 6 years of age can use the product only under adult supervision.
  • To prevent the spread of infection, the product should be used by only one person.


18+ 3+





4-5x daily

3-4x daily

3x daily

2x daily

1 spray into each nostril

1 spray into each nostril

1 spray into each nostril

1 spray into each nostril


The maximum effect of VIROSTOP products can be achieved if they are used correctly and regularly, whether with symptoms of an acute illness or with an increased risk of infection. Therefore, below we bring you answers to the most frequent questions of our patients. If you are interested in anything else, you can contact us through our email contact below:

Yes, it is recommended to start using VIROSTOP at the first symptoms of the disease, but it is also beneficial for an already started infection. On the one hand, it slows down the spread of the disease, relieves symptoms and helps to restore the natural defenses of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract during the recovery period. Use it for at least 3 more days after all symptoms have subsided.

A viral infection of the upper respiratory tract must be treated appropriately to avoid complications. VIROSTOP stands out among other forms of treatment in that, in addition to its ability to suppress the symptoms of the disease, it can also slow down the spread of the viral infection. This natural extract is able to block the binding sites of viral particles, so that they cannot get inside our cells, and when exposed in this way, our immune cells are more likely to destroy them. In this way, other mucosal cells will not be infected and the infection will not progress.

The polyphenolic substances contained in VIROSTOP products can bind to the binding sites of viruses, thus preventing them from attacking and infecting other surrounding cells. Since the virus does not enter our cell, but remains in the intercellular space, it is more easily detected and removed by our immune cells. In this way, VIROSTOP contributes to the faster removal of virus particles from the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and contributes to shortening the treatment time.

Effective natural substances can be found in nature. Our Swiss expert team has long researched the effect of plant extracts on the surface of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and prepared a patented mixture intended for administration to the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose. It contains a combination of polyphenolic substances from the Cistus creticus plant , combined with several antioxidant substances from other plants. The result is a targeted support of the local mucosal immunity of the upper respiratory tract, which we can now very conveniently use to support our health, whether during an ongoing acute infection or in prevention.

A viral infection of the upper respiratory tract does not only attack a limited area, but often affects the mucous membrane of the nose and oral cavity. Therefore, for a comprehensive effect, use the VIROSTOP nasal spray in combination with a suitable oral form. Administer it according to the dosage prescribed for an acute infection throughout the duration of the symptoms and for at least 3 days after their resolution.

Yes, VIROSTOP is suitable for children over 6 years old. It's recommended to use it at the first sign of symptoms.

In children who are often sick, it is appropriate to support their immunity for a long time, including the support of mucosal immunity with VIROSTOP products in combination with a nasal spray and a suitable oral form. It will contribute to greater resistance to common viruses.

Yes, VIROSTOP is suitable for long-term use, it does not cause addiction or side effects. For a comprehensive effect, use the nasal spray in combination with a suitable oral form.

Yes, VIROSTOP has a proven effect by studies. The antiviral effect of individual medicinal plants alone and in combination was verified, while the effect against influenza viruses and SARS-CoV-2 was up to twice as much when all 5 plants were combined with each other compared to individual plants alone. In addition, the effect was also verified in connection with the treatment of COVID-19, as well as protection of close contacts of individuals who tested positive for PCR. In both cases with positive results. You can find more on this page in the Studies section.

A viral infection of the upper respiratory tract never affects only a limited part of the nose or mouth. Therefore, for a comprehensive effect, it is recommended to use a combination of VIROSTOP nasal spray and your preferred oral form - oral spray or VIROSTOP pastilles.

Yes, allergic inflammation of the nasal mucosa changes its structure and thereby supports the effort of viruses to attack our mucous cells and cause an infection. Also, colds in allergy sufferers can last a little longer than in non-allergic sufferers . That is why VIROSTOP products are also suitable for them from the first symptoms of the disease, as well as to support natural mucosal immunity with an increased risk of infection.

The taste of VIROSTOP pastilles is very pleasant and mild. You can choose from mint, citrus or forest fruit flavors.

Yes, VIROSTOP is also effective against strains of influenza and common cold viruses. This is due to the fact that it contains numerous groups of different polyphenolic substances from plants that can block several types of binding sites of viral particles. Therefore, with the VIROSTOP solution, we can help the mucous membrane of the nose and oral cavity better defend itself against flu, colds and viral infections of the throat.